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来源:组委会 作者: 时间:2011.04.03

<<地球 唯一村庄>>

Planet Earth, Our One and only Village


剪纸剪不出 百花争鸣的芬芳

The art of paper cutting can not release the fragrance of a garden full of blossoms


刺绣绣不出 饮水思源的真相

The threads of silk embroidery can not reveal the true joy of a quenched soul by living waters


尘埃待定的书房 案台前

In the quiet and still study in front of my desk


我转身写一行 天人合一的想象

My brush races across a sheet of rice paper depicting the harmonious union of man and nature


梯田一层一层 走进鸟语花香

Tier after tier, rice paddies lead their way toward the chirping of singing birds and the aroma of spring blossoms


绿叶一片一片 落尽繁华云烟

One following another, green leaves drift their way into the prosperity of a bustling world


和谐的清风 和谐在大自然

How gentle the morning wind? How harmonious our mother nature?


地球 唯一的村庄

Planet Earth, Our one and only village



We are a smalll link in a whole chain of organic life cycles



Each connection can not be broken as all links are interdependent


连青山 连绿水

The link of majestic mountains. The link of mighty rivers.



All are linked together to form this lush abode called home



We are a small link in a whole chain of organic life cycles



This chain surrounds our planet earth and is slowly transforming it into an oasis like paradise


感应天 感应地

Feel the sky with your fingers.

Soothe your lungs with the fragrance from the fresh earth



Overwhelm your senses with changing of the four seasons year after year


宣纸上 墨色在流淌

Across the sheet of rice paper, black ink flows freely still


地球是 唯一的村庄

Plant Earth, Our one and only village


拒绝做 文明的遗迹 供后人瞻仰

We refuse to become the remains (or artifacts) of a fading civilization only to be gazed upon by generations to come






